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Tilton School

Tilton, NH

Day of Giving: 333 Challenge

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Tilton School, Advancement Office

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Supporters (445)

All (445)
AaLeiyah DeSimas
In honor of The late Dr. Allen. You are forever remembered. ❤️
Thank you to the amazing faculty that carry on 179 years of tradition. Forever Tilton True!
Abbi Gilbert
Abigail Guay
Abigail Ruggles
Adam Lesser
Adam Stewart
Adam and Kristin Schmidt
Addison Roy
Ahnay Adams
Aidan Dryjowicx
Aidan Oliveira
Alan Segal
Alex Burkland
Alex Cary
Alex Corbi
Alex Ferraro
Alex Kantsios
Alexa Garrison
Alexa Gillis
Alfred B Loranz
Allan Settlow
In memory of classmate Stephen Canann of '52
Alli Caron
Ally (Goddard) Richardson
Alvaro Sacristan Garcia-Carrasco
Alyssa Brook
Amy Bottomley
Amy Despins
For the past - alumni; For now (Faculty & Staff ); For the future -our students!!
Amy Semel
Amy Simpson
In honor of Remy Steevensz & Mike Landroche
Andrea Tecce
Andrew Feldman
Andrew McDonnell
Andronicos Kantsios
Angela Juurlink
In honor of Remy Steevensz
Annabelle Paoli
Anne Howe
Anthony Hillman
Anthony Hillman
Anthony Wright
Ashley Rhodes
Ata Turker
Barry Gorevitz
Beckett Gilbert
Ben Boucher
Benjamin Howe
Bernice E Bradin
Betty Clark
Bill DeHaven
Thank you to Jen McGonagle who was a friend, a coach, and a teacher. Thank you to Craig Milgram who is always there when I needed him. Thank you to Mr. Wiley, who is also a coach, a teacher, and most importantly, he was a mentor, who gave me the nudge I needed to stay on track. He also showed me the northern lights one night. It was the first time I had ever seen them.
Bill Winkler
I was a one year post grad student and Tilton School had a positive impact on my life.
Blake Fletcher
Bo Jiang
Bob West
Bradley Thompson
Brady Gunther
Brandi Booker
So wonderful to see the community come together for the amazing faculty/staff at Tilton - you rock!
Brandon Wills
Brenda Stinson
Brenden Johnson
Brett T Bayley
Brooke Miller
Brooke Muller
Brooks McQuade
Bruce Gilbert
Bruce Goodman
Bruce Kollmar
Bryan Geary
Thanks to the faculty members who make Tilton great!
Bryce Turmel
Bryce Turmel
Caitlin Paige
Camryn Finley
Candace & Michael Landroche
We honor and thank our dedicated colleagues, past and present, who have made such a difference in the lives of our students.
Caroline Schmidt
Catherine Aldrich
Cathy Thibeault
A big thank you to all the faculty and staff who helped my daughter Sara succeed and find her passion!
Charles Clausen
Charles Clement III
Tough but great four years. MR Mac.
Charles Moore
Chris Burch
Chris Woodhouse
Christina Swyers
Christopher Kollmar
Christopher Shepard
In honor of Walter Robinson Shepard
Robbie loved acting and singing at Tilton.
Christopher and Nichole Gilbert
Chuck Carter
Clifford Dufton
Colleen Phiri
Connor Compton
Connor Hardowa
Connor Pope
Constantinos Kantsios
Thanks, Ace, for letting me use your PS5. Go Rams!
Cooper Stuart
Craig Payne
Dan Blute
Dan Blute
In honor of All blood donors, cancer survivors, and for those who have lost loved ones to cancer
Thank you to everyone who accepted my challenge!
Dan Blute
In honor of My B, D, E and G Blocks
For the best students anywhere...
Daniel Malone
Daniel Piquet
Go. Tilton School!!!
Daniel and Cavan Guenther
Danielle Rand
In memory of Donald Cross
Danny Espana
Dave & Phyllis Gould
Davi Berthold
In memory of Ruth and Arthur Berthold P’70
David Boucher
The Bouchers are so appreciative for all of the Tilton faculty and staff!!!
David Foley
David Fuller
David Gray
David Halvorsen
David Hannon
In honor of Eliza Hannon Smith
We love Tilton and want to see the school secure this $175,000 challenge.
David Hutchinson
David McMahon
Deano Asprogiannis
Debby Schwaber
Denise Scanlon
Thank you Tilton from the Scanlon Family!
Dianne Tersoni
To Coach McQuade for giving his players great memories and friendships that continue well beyond their time "On the Hill" !
Donald Miller
Doug Shaffer
Douglas Brown
In memory of Kevin O’keefe/Paul Herman
Duane Lowenstein
Ed Purcell
Eliza Smith
Elizabeth Fell-DeWalt
My Dad loved Tilton!
Elizabeth Renaud
I truly appreciate all of my colleagues. However, a special shout out to Mr. Ruggles and Mr. Carlton. Both of these guys stepped in at different times to help drive the basketball team to their game/tournament. Both times it came when I desperately needed help and I am greatly appreciative for their assistance.
Elizabeth Sullivan
In honor of Katherine Saunders, Tilton’s First Woman Head of School and her two delightful children, Isaiah ‘17 and Mackenzie ‘21.
The people make this an exceptional place to learn, love and grow!
Ella Makseyn
Ella Ruggles
Ellen Terry
Emily Johnson
Enzo Boudouma
Eric Zafran
Erin Longley
Evan Gardner
Frank Geng
Fred Heath
Frederick A Mullins jr
Gabby Cerqua
Gabby Cerque
Gable Gao
Tilton is an excellent place to educate our kid and help him grow. We are greatly grateful to all the teachers and staff members.
Gabriel Rodriguez
Gailine Paquin
Garrett Gagnon
Gavin Makely
Geoff Heilhecker
Geoffrey Blum
George Coleman
George Kurian
George Owens
Gil Latz
Glen Waring
In honor of To all of the Faculty and Staff, These People really do make the Place!
To all of the Faculty and Staff, These People really do make the Place!
Glen Waring
Gonzalo Echevarria
Grace Collins
Gregory Wood
Griffin Halecki
Guillermo Aguirre-Vazquez
Hannah Lynch
Harold Bailey
Harriet Grossman
Harrison Gardner
Helen Chisholm
Henri Brochu
Hilirey Makely
India Caldwell
Isaac Carter
Isaiah Saunders
In honor of Remy Steevenz former faculty
Tilton True! Remy Steevenz - my inspiration miss you babe
Jack Braga
Jack Klein
Tilton School became my family and has given me friends for life!
Jack Riley
Jake Grzeskowiak
Jake Tash
James Clements
James Collins
Do great things, Andronicos! Go Rams!
James Crosby
Jamie Scott
Jarrad Gunther
Jeff Kelly
Jep Possee
Jeremy D'Souza
Jesse Kim
Jesse Wolfe
Joanne Nagengast
Joe Scala
John Agnello
In honor of Marvin Preston
Thank you Marvin for always stepping up and doing what's right for our community!
John Agnello
John Agnello
The faculty and staff at Tilton work around the clock to deliver a transformational experience for our students!
John Christiansen
John Ehrlich
John Morton
John Shaughnessy
In honor of PJ Shaughnessy '02
John Wilson
Jon Rand
Joselyn Cegelka Fuller
In memory of Remy Steevensz
Joseph Scott
Josh Poupore
Joshua Carlton
Josiah Gao
Julie Caldwell
Julie Pugh
Kaitlin Geary
Kaley Davio
Kate Saunders
Katelyn Cardoso
Katherine Flippe
Katherine McCandless
Kathryn Hall
Kathy Wood
Kayden Yeaman
Keelan Mackenzie
Kely Agkortza
Ken & Gail Malone
Kendra Toy
Kiegan Aleman
Kimber Carr
Dedicated. Successful. Caring. Talented. Generous. Passionate. Accomplished. Supportive. These are just a few of the words that describe our faculty and staff at Tilton and some of the countless reasons why our faculty and staff make this a great community!
Kristen Kupperman
Laura Barton
Thank you to all the educators, coaches, and staff that are guiding our children on “the Hill”. #thepeoplemaketheplace
Laura Luna
Lauraine Paquin
Lauren Robinson
Leah Brochu
Leah Corson
For the many teachers at Tilton who helped me along the way.
Lex Condodemetraky
Linda Rakolta
Lindsay Fox
Lindsay Lemay
Louie Yang
Lowell Freedman
Lynne Turmel
The People Make The Place! Let's Go Rams
Mackenzie Saunders
In honor of My mom
for my beautiful mother and all that she does!
Maddie McCaffery
Madeline Boles
Madison Kirker
Maggie Donahue
Marie Piper
Mariona Font-Pascuet
Marissa Dolpies
Mark & Andrea Condodemetraky
Thank you to teachers and coaches who worked hard to make this year a success for our boys. Shout out to Mrs. E. Smith who has been an incredible teacher and advisor and has gone above and beyond to help them. We would love for our donation to go to Tilton Boys Lacrosse to help support the season coming up! Go Rams!
Mark & Kirsten Passalino
Go RAMS!!!
Mark Freedland
Mark Rudd
Mark Welch
Mark Wood
Martin Pierce
Marty Pierce
Mary Ellen Bailey
Mason Scanon
Matt Butler
In honor of Quinn McCusker
The Lord of Pfeffier
Matt Masiello
Matt Ruffle
In honor of Ken Hollingsworth
Coach H has been a mentor and friend for me since I was 16. Even though he is no longer associate with Tilton, in my mind he will always BE Tilton.
Matt Wood
Matt Wood
Matt Wrenn
Mattalyn Paoli
Matthew Cox
Matthew Feldman
Maura Veilleux
Max Gagnon
McKenna Smith
Meghan Dorr
Melanie Marken
Melissa Gagnon
Thank you to all of the faculty and coaches for providing my nephew with an amazing experience and positive environment! Go Rams!
Michael Bennett
Michael Butler
Michael Doane
In honor of Stephen H. Doane Class of 1966
I have always been proud of my brother Stephen. I remember fondly the year we spent together at Tilton.
Michael Solomonides
Michael Swan
Michaela Thomas
Michelle Azzum
Mike Mayo
Mr. Roger S. McEniry
In honor of Kenneth Hollingsworth
I’ll give much more if you bring the greatest leader in school history back to the Tilton team. Give him any job he wants and he’ll get things moving. In the right direction! The GOAT..
Nafees Padget
Nancy Bohac
In honor of Former Head Master Michael Baker
I served as a Trustee many years ago and have been impressed with the progress Tilton School is making. Thanks for making a good education possible for so many young people. Kudos! Nancy Bohac (formerly Deane)
Nathan Terry
Thank you for being one of the best years of my life and one of the best decisions I have ever made!
Nathanial Colon
Nicholas Sangermano
Nick Chrissis
Nick Zaharias
Nick and Eileen Pugh
Thank you Mr. Piquet for your inspiration!
Niko Condodemetraky
Noah Barrett
Noel Sarkis
Norman Mael
Pablo DeCastro
Padraig Barry
Was the best High School experience ever! The memories will last a lifetime!
Patricia Bartell
In honor of Larry Bartell
Larry loved Tilton very much it was a special part of his life.
Patrick Dom
Patrick Gallop
In honor of Drew Introne
Paul Cooperstein
Paul Way
Paula Reboll
Pedro Gutierrez
Pete Mohle
Peter Hofman
Peter Kelly
Phil LaCasse
Pike Colburn
We love what our daughter gained from being a Tilton student.
Raquel Nova Fisher
Ray Mcgaw
Richard & Judy Stewart
In honor of Richard I Bartlett & Alan B Stewart
Our Fathers as graduates of Tilton School and Veterans of WWII.
Richard Barry
Richard Bradbury
Richard Grellier
Rishlene Tanner
Robert Agnello
Robert Bodurtha
Robert Graham
Go Rams!
Robert Guinto
Robert Hawkins
Giving back to help pay forward.
Robert M. Finch '58
Robert Rollins
Robin Drinkwine
Robin Dunbar
Robin Savage
Rodrick Li
Roger Sunstroem
Roland Seymour
Best wishes to all at Tilton School
Ron Gaulton
Tilton School changed the trajectory of my life. Because of Tilton I achieved my dreams.
Ronald Costigan
Ryan Turmel
Sam Nosakhare
Samantha Reuss
Class of ‘08!
Samuel Alicea
Let’s Go Rams! #ramnation #tiltonschool
Samyn - D'Elia Architects, P.A.
Sandi Gilbert
Santiago Rollan Martinez
Sarah Barrett
Sarah Whitehead
In honor of Robert E Whitehead
Sarkis Rolanda
Scott Cameron
I credit the faculty, along with the experience of going to Tilton for providing me the tools for college, while helping me transition from a somewhat unruly kid into my adult life.
Scott Jiang
Seb De la Rocha
Sebastian Deveaux
Shae Gould
Shannon Mott
Sharon Trudel
Shawn Sullivan
In memory of Coach H
Shunzhen Peng
Keep up the good work
Signe Kurian
In honor of Trish Black '77
Simon Abrahms
Simon Kuczkowski
Simon Lemieux
Sofia Twarog
Sonja Smit
Sophie Young
Stephan Brandstatter
In memory of Sol & Esther Brandstatter
Stephan Weiss
Stephanie Pluhar
Stephen Brigham
Steven Rogers
Story Moore
Sy Wrenn
I am grateful to Tilton School and its faculty for the education and experience my son received during his 4-year enrollment.
Sydney Philippy
Tara Brisson
I'm really grateful for Glen Waring - he deserves a virtual hug through this Woohoo!
Terry & Vanna Ruggles
Tilton is important to our family.
Terry Judd
The Krein Family
The Roy Family
Thank you all for all you do in providing a safe and nourishing environment for our family!
Thea Arsenault
Theresa Brisson
Way to go Tara Brisson and the lady Rams. Let’s bring home a championship
Theresa Foley
Proud of all you are accomplishing David Foley. Looking forward to your bright future!
Thomas Connolly
Thomas McLaughlin
Thomas Wendt
Timothy Barry
Tilton School was the Best decision we ever made for our son Padraig- the education and friendships and life experiences were the best - every student should have a Tilton School experience! We miss visiting the school and the events!
Timothy Walter
Go Rams
Tom Mariano
Tom Storella
Kudos to an amazing school. Go Rams!!
Topher Hamblett
Trisha Kantsios
Turner Bottomley
Turner Bottomley
Thank you to all the faculty and staff at Tilton!
Tyler Goodwin
Tyler Roy
Tyson Conrad
Emily Johnson, for her work in the CAA, on the field and in the rink, and as a mentor to our students, and for keeping me sane :)
Valerie Allen
Van Dittmer
Vanessa Day
Victoria Kantsios
In honor of Andronicos Kantsios
Will Freda
Will Grisky
Will Swyers
William Addai
William Freda
William Sweet
In honor of Chuck Zion '65
William Sweet
Win Ghriskey
Winnie Schmidt
Go Bug and Rams!
Wyatt Paquin
My sister is a Freshman this year and she is having the best time in her life with school. Although he is tough on her and she always says she dislikes him, Mr. Landroche pushes her in ways she doesn’t see but it makes her work harder.
Yvonne Blackwood Wiederhold
Zach Frement
Zhong Li
In honor of Mr. Michael Byrnes
Thank you very much to Tilton's teacher for giving Rodrick Li the opportunity to grow!
Amy Elfline
Barbara hanson
Paul reissfelder
Go Rams!
Robert kessel
In honor of Sarah Schartner '19
Go Rams!
A huge thank you to Mr. Conrad for never giving up on my son and for always seeing his true potential!
Thank you Coach Brisson for everything you do!
Thank you

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